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đź‘ľ My Things Saver

Introducing a sleek and user-friendly app with a modern design, perfect for saving all your important information in an organized and visually appealing manner.
With a robust Markdown editor, you can effortlessly jot down notes, create lists, manage tasks and share it with others!

🌀 Start


OS App Version
Linux 64bit Linux64_Standalone
Linux-arm 32bit Linux86-arm
MacOS 64bit MacOSx64
Windows 64bit Windowsx64
Windows 32bit Windowsx86

If you have problem running the app try installing ASP.NET core runtime 7 for your OS

  1. Download
  2. Unpack it
  3. Locate App.exe in the root directory
  4. Run App.exe
  5. Type http://localhost/ in your browser
  1. Download
  2. Unpack it
  3. Locate App.dll or App file in the root directory
  4. run command: dotnet App.dll / or run App file
  5. Type http://localhost/ in your browser
  1. Download
  2. Unpack it
  3. Locate App File in the root directory
  4. Run App file
  5. Type http://localhost/ in your browser </br>

How to access app

👨‍💻 For Development:

Development requirements

How to run development?

  1. git clone repository
  2. go to MyThingsSaver/src/App
  3. Move appsettings.json from examples folder to src/App and configure it to your needs
  4. run command: dotnet run

Configure your development

Configure ports

appsettings.json file should be inside backend/App and .env file should be inside backend/App/client

  1. Set API ports inside appsettings.json (HttpPort, HttpsPort)
  2. Set correct Https port to ASPNETCORE_HTTPS_PORT variable in .env
  3. Set client app port to PORT variable in .env
  4. Set correct client port to <SpaProxyServerUrl> tag in App.csproj

HttpsPort must match ASPNETCORE_HTTPS_PORT variable
<SpaProxyServerUrl> must match PORT variable

⚙️ Configuration

Overall Network configuration

Handled by Network object in appsettings.json



  1. Using settings like HttpsRedirection, UseHSTS and UseHttps might break your app if you don’t have SSL certificate and correct proxy server configured (like nginx)
  2. If you want to run your app locally with https you can set UseHttps to true but you have to have trusted localhost SSL certificate
  3. Server will be served on your localhost IP by default, that means if your PC has ip for example you can access app by typing on your network, or http://localhost/ on your local machine. To check your IP type: ipconfig on windows, ifconfig on linux or


By default logger is set to “Warning” level
You can change it to the following:

Log Level Severity Description
Trace 0 Logs messages only for tracing purposes for the developers.
Debug 1 Logs messages for short-term debugging purposes.
Information 2 Logs messages for the flow of the application.
Warning 3 Logs messages for abnormal or unexpected events in the application flow.
Error 4 Logs error messages.
Critical 5 Logs failures messages that require immediate attention.


AllowedHosts is used for host filtering to bind your app to specific hostnames
By default it’s * which means all hosts are allowed


Connection strings to your database, by default SQLite with connection contained in SQLiteConnectionString is used as your databse
You can change target database in Database setting

Default ConnectionString schemes: | Name | Scheme | | — | — | | DatabaseConnectionString | server=;uid=;pwd=;database=mythingssaver | | SQLiteConnectionString | Data Source=


Determines which database should be used
Options: | Database | Setting name | ConnectionString used | | — | — | — | | MySQL | mysql | DatabaseConnectionString | | SQLite | sqlite | SQLiteConnectionString |


Browser security prevents a web page from making requests to a different domain than the one that served the web page.
This restriction is called the same-origin policy. The same-origin policy prevents a malicious site from reading sensitive data from another site


👨‍🏫 Q&A

Where’s my save file? (SQLite)

You can find your save file inside save directory in root folder. It will be called save.sqlite

How do I keep my appsettings.json in the same state every debug?

Move appsettings.example.json from examples to /src/App.
It will be automatically moved to your debug folder every build

Is there any contact to you?

You can message me on discord HueByte#0001 or send email to

Is App still being developed?

Yes. I’m working on it in my free time :)

What are the future plans?

Ambitions are big, there’s not a lot of time but for future features I want to add more types of “things” you can save, for example: photos, files, links and others. I also want to add plugin support so users can personalize their things saver